[Research Spotlight] The efficacy and safety of β‑nicotinamide mononucleotide(NMN) supplementation in healthy middle‑aged adults…

The following is an overview of the research paper:


"The efficacy and safety of β‑nicotinamide mononucleotide(NMN) supplementation in healthy middle‑agedadults: a randomized, multicenter, double‑blind, placebo‑controlled, parallel‑group, dose‑dependent clinical trial" 




“…to test the effect of NMN supplementation on blood NAD concentration (primary outcome), safety, tolerability, and clinical efficacy (secondary outcomes) of NMN supplementation.”

Study protocol and method:

  • NMN 300mg, 600mg, 900mg OR placebo;
  • 80 Indian ethnicity participants, 20 per group;
  • Period of 60 days with check in at day 0, day 30, and day 60;
  • 40-65 years healthy volunteers of both males and females;
  • body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 35 kg/m2;
  • not taking any supplements containing any form of niacin for 7 days prior to baseline and for the duration of the trial;
  • multicenter, randomized, parallel, double- blinded, placebo-controlled;
  • Location: Pune, India.


  1. Blood for total NAD (non-specificity of NAD+ & NADH) [d0, d30, d60]
  2. Blood & urinary measurement for general health markers [d0, d60]
  3. 6 minute walking test (American Thoracic Society protocol for measuring endurance and energy)
  4. Blood biological age algorithm (Aging.ai 3.0) [d0, d60]
  5. Homeostasis Model Assessment ‐ Insulin Resistance [d0, d60]
  6. 36‐Item Short Form Survey (SF‐36 Questionnaire)


  1. Blood NAD increased in NMN groups:
    1. 300mg group ~3x @d30&60;
    2. 600mg & 900mg groups ~4x @d30&60.
  2. No significant improvement in blood or urinary health markers
  3. Improvements in distance on 6 minute walking test
    1. 300mg group up 14%@d30 & 23%@d60
    2. 600mg & 900mg groups up ~30%@d30 & ~50%@d60
  4. Blood age NMN groups did not age by a statistically significant outcome compared to placebo, no trend.
  5. No significant improvement in insulin resistance in NMN groups.
  6. Significant improvements in SF36 scores
    1. placebo group up 4%@d30 & 5%@d60 (for context)
    2. 300mg group up 6%@d30 & 10%@d60
    3. 600mg & 900mg groups up ~10%@d30 & ~15%@d60


As supported by previous NMN clinical research, this study showed that NMN supplementation does significantly raise total circulating NAD significantly in middle aged and older individuals.The 600mg & 900mg groups had very similar outcomes, showing a clear tapering of the dose response curve. Overall perceived energy and wellbeing improved based on the survey scores, and was supported by improvements in 6 minute walking distances. As expected according to the potential mechanisms for NMN improving insulin sensitivity in diabetic groups, NMN did not increase sensitivity in healthy normal populations, supportive of a “recovering cellular health” hypothesis which is only relevant in cases of damage.

Of mention, only total NAD non-specific to NAD+ or NADH was measured. As the potential health implications of each does differ and a lower NAD+ to NADH ratio is non-ideal.

 First to study, then to chat sh*t. -Thomas

 RELEASE: 28th December 2023. 

Want to try NMN? You can see our options here.


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